Patio home sales trend in Willow Creek (centennial)
Patio home sales data in Willow Creek (homes with a detached garage) 2006-2007-2008
Date | Avg sale price ($) | Avg days on market | Avg $/SqFeet | Homes Sold |
Jan-Jun 2006 | 269K | 25 | 151 | 5 |
Jul-Dec 2006 | 280K | 16 | 160 | 4 |
Jan-Jun 2007 | 273K | 77 | 155 | 6 |
Jul-Dec 2007 | 267K | 62 | 155 | 8 |
Jan-Jun 2008 | 283K | 97 | 169 | 3 |
Data is from the MLS and includes sold listings by all participating realtors. Data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Please contact us for a more detailed value of your home or if you are thinking about buying a home in Willow Creek.