1. Weatherize your home and save up to 10% of your heating and cooling costs. A handy homeowner can seal up holes to the outside by weather-stripping doors and window, and sealing windows and gaps along the home’s foundation.
2. Set your thermostat to 68°. Your heating system will operate less and use less energy. Turn your thermostat down 5°at night or when leaving your home for an hour or more to save up to $70 on energy costs each year.
3. Install low-flow showerheads and faucets. It really helps! 1.8-gallon per minute showerheads can reduce your hot water consumption by as much as 10%. You’ll see savings up to $6 per year for a sink faucet aerator and $30 per year for a showerhead.
4. Switch to compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. They cost a little more, but you can save about $50 over the life of just one bulb.


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